I am an everyday researcher, occasional teacher, and consistent traveler with Balkan-American heritage, especially from Crete, the Peloponnese, and Eastern Europe. In my 32 years, I have visited more than 40 countries and lived in five. "Travel less and more deeply" is my personal motto. I spend most of my travels returning to places I love and visiting people I have grown to love so dearly. To balance this out, I aim to visit at least one new country each year.
I am currently a PhD Candidate in political science at the University of Notre Dame and a Fulbright-Hays fellow--exploring Albania, Greece, and the relationship between the two for my dissertation work.
Academic writing can be onerous. For my creative outlet, I write here about my travel experiences, reflections, and suggestions--especially food related.
I also write about politics, good and bad, because I believe political systems determine a great deal of our quality of life. I grew up in an authoritarian Evangelical environment in the American South, escaped (or thought I did), and then realized there is not a permanent escape from authoritarianism anywhere. We must keep fighting injustice and journeying for a good life no matter where we are.
I chose Medium because it's easy to use, aesthetically pleasing to me, and because they pay writers--a great concept!
Feel free to follow me on Medium if you haven't already. Subscribe if you want to get an email every time I publish a new post (usually once/month).